Sold for $399,000 or $3896/acre.
Auction Flyer
Tract 1 Aerial Map
Tract 1 Soil Map
Tract 1 FSA Aerial
Tract 1: NW/4NE/4 East of the River 15-13-1 & Part S/2SE/4 10-13-1, Saline County, Kansas
- Location: The Northwest Corner of the Intersection of Riordan and Donmyer Roads
- 101.36 acres /- Crop land
- 1.82 acres /- waterways and timber
- 2023 taxes: $1,213.41 (estimated) on 103.18 taxable acres
- 100.42 base acres (estimated) enrolled in ARC County
- Wheat base/yield: 35.81/43
- Corn base/yield: 3.46/88
- Grain Sorghum base/yield: 21.66/88
- Soybeans base/yield: 39.49/31
- Possession: after milo harvest
- Water and Mineral Interest: All water and mineral rights owned by the Seller will pass with the land to the Buyer
- An excellent opportunity to own productive river bottom crop land